
Vistria News

The Vistria Group’s comments on recent White House convening of pension funds

On April 23, 2024, the National Economic Advisor, Lael Brainard and Acting Secretary of Labor, Julie Su, convened a group of pensions funds to promote fair labor standards for private equity investments.

The Vistria Group firmly believes that private capital can be a force for good for businesses, working families, and the broader society.

We applaud the collaboration aimed at driving best practices and responsible labor standards between the White House and several prominent pension plans including IBEW, State of New York, New York City, California and Illinois. Specifically, we commend the recognition of the role that private capital invested responsibly can play in the lives of working people and their community.

We look forward to more collaboration and dialogue with leaders at all levels who are committed to upholding the right to bargain and organize.

White HouseLearn more about the White House Convening on Private Equity Investments on the White House website. 

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